ghost pictures

ghost stories and pictures


A collection of ghost stories and ghost pictures collected from all over the world. Our aim is to share out fascination with ghost pictures and ghost stories with others and perhaps learn something together. We have also included some pictures from our collection of graveyard pictures, ghost town pictures and pictures of old and gothic churches.
ghost stories
Graveyard Pictures

Graveyards have long been a fascination for us. After all, they tell the history of a community like no other place. Not being able to travel to all the graveyards in the world we have become collectors of graveyard pictures. We don't collect graveyard pictures to be overly morbid. It is more the case that we find the graveyard pictures allow us to appreciate the beautiful art work that goes into planning a nice graveyard and particularly the work that goes into the actual graves. Plus, the more people see the graveyard pictures the longer the memories of those resting in the graveyard will last. A good number of our graveyard pictures are of older graveyards simply because there appears to be the most visual difference between older graveyard pictures. Modern graveyards have a tendency to look a bit sameish but every now and then there is a modern graveyard picture that stands out.


old graveyard picture

This graveyard picture is of the very old graveyard on The Isle of Berneray in Scotland. Almost everyone on the Isle of Berneray has a family member that was buried here.










english graveyard picture

This is a graveyard picture of a monument in a graveyard in the English town of Wallingford.














graveyard picture

This is a picture of a graveyard found in Shropshire, England. We certainly think this qualifies as an old graveyard picture!










cornwall graveyard picture

This graveyard picture is of a rather overgrown and unkempt graveyard on the Cornish coast in the United Kingdom. The state of the graveyard is sad but at the same time it serves to remind us of the long history of the area.










irish graveyard picture


This graveyard picture is of a hillside graveyard in Ireland. You can just imagine the history the graveyard has seen.


historical graveyard picture


This is a picture of a graveyard in the middle of New York. Hamilton is amongst the people buried in this old graveyard.

Scotland graveyard picture


This graveyard picture is of a an old but very well kept graveyard in Scotland.

old graveyard picture


This is a beautiful picture of the very picturesque graveyard at the Borgue Parish Church in Scotland.

graveyard picture


This is a graveyard picture of a lovely church and graveyard in the Scottish village of Balmaclellan.

graveyard picture

This is a picture of a very unique graveyard located in Portpatrick in Scotland. You have to admit that the Scottish certainly know how to make a graveyard.